We’ve gone ahead and answered some FAQ’s for you. If you have another question or would like to work with us, please get in touch!


What is a professional organizer?

A professional organizer helps people live more efficiently. We meet you where you are with your space and belongings, carefully consider your individual needs, habits, and style, and then come up with systems and processes that will keep you living in harmony with your surroundings for the long run.

Why should I hire a professional organizer?

Do you find yourself overwhelmed by clutter? Are you constantly tidying? Are you preparing to move or about to experience a life change? Do you plan to redecorate and want to tidy up first? Does your home need a refresher but you're not interested in fully redecorating? These are a few of the many reasons you may consider working with a professional organizer. No matter what your situation is, if you're looking to bring serenity and order to your life, a professional organizer can help you reach your goals. Our objective is to make your space functional and beautiful, and easy to keep that way.

Where are you located?

Orderly is based in LA.

If you live outside Los Angeles and are interested in our services please feel free to get in touch! Our virtual organizing services are a great way to work with us wherever you are.

What services do you offer?

Our services include: Hands-on organizing, decluttering, packing and unpacking, custom storage planning and shopping, digital organizing, file management & more. We're pretty much happy to help with any kind of organizing. Please get in touch with us to discuss your project further!

Can you give me a price and/or time estimate?

Soon! We’ll just need to get a few details from you first. Please fill out our [contact form][3], call/text us at [(347)-450-8844][1], or [email us][2].

What will a session look like?

Learn more about our process [here][3]. After our initial in-home consultation, our sessions will be spent clearing surfaces and emptying drawers, cabinets and shelving, deciding what to keep, throw out, or donate, and then figuring out how to put it all back together in a way that will keep you organized for the long run.

Do I need to be there with you while you organize?

Nope! We ask for about 30-60 minutes of your time for the initial consultation, but after that it’s 100% up to you how involved you are in the organizing process. Many people enjoy working alongside us to take advantage of our personalized coaching, but if you want to go on vacation and pretend you’re on a home makeover show… we get it.

Do you help with moving?

Moving is the perfect time to go through your belongings and decide what to keep and what to part with. While moving boxes isn’t our specialty, we'd would love to help you go through your things and decide which items merit your new space, or get you unpacked and settled in your new home. We’ll help you reach your goals on a schedule and can even set up a garage sale!

Can you help with paper filing, computer files, and photo management?

Yes! We're happy to help with any kind of organizing. Please get in touch with us to discuss your project further.

Will you clean my home?

Orderly is a professional home organizing service and, aside from a quick wipe-down of a shelf, cleaning houses just isn’t our thing. However, we are proud to partner with a trusted cleaning service and offer an optional deep-clean as part of the organizing process.

Will I be judged? I'm embarrassed by all of my stuff.

We understand and deeply respect how personal the organizing process is. We will never, ever judge you or your belongings and maintain a strict confidentiality agreement. And, just a side note, we don't think that having a lot of stuff is a bad thing. Wanting a hand in getting organized is way more normal than you’d think– no matter how much you own.